Skinny & Sugary {Your Photographer's Journey to Wellness with Type 1 Diabetes} by Kylie Wingert

 I'm going to tryyyyy to keep it brief, but I gotta keep it real with something I've never talked about. No one knows what I'm about to tell you, but I hope this reaches Diabetics across this country. I hope this wakes up friends & family of Diabetics to get their loved one help if this happens to them. This is so very important if you are the parent, friend or family member to someone who has Type 1 Diabetes. No.... really... this is crucial. But let's start with why I'm posting this today & some back story. If you know my story, feel free to skip to the end. 

      Today is my "happy alive day" ♡ I am Type 1 Diabetic & completely insulin dependant...and three years ago, my decisions to not take care of myself {combined with a stomach bug and an unknown pregnancy} almost took my life.

     In the wee hours of January 23rd of 2015, my husband drove me to the ER of our local hospital for vomiting, writhing head to toe pain, and uncontrollable blood sugars. We assumed it was the stomach bug our 15 month old son had given me. The difference was the pain was unimaginable and went all of the way through my body, into my bones and into my joints. My brain even hurt. I had no idea, but I was in Diabetic Ketoacidosis, which in many cases is fatal.... and I wasn't in a good place guys. I could have had a stroke, I could have gone into a coma, I could have just died. My sugars were  500 -600 mg/dl. Normal blood glucose levels should fall between 80 - 130 mg/dl. I was quickly admitted as an ICU patient for close monitoring, and of course we all know they discovered a surprise pregnancy in the ER by my favorite nurse ever while awaiting a room in ICU.... which led to my daughter, EllieSaurus-Rex . But there's more behind how I got that way. 

ICU January 23rd 2015.

ICU January 23rd 2015.


     It's true. Pregnancy, the flu, a stomach bug and a number of other things combined with extended high blood sugars can send you into DKA {Diabetic Ketoacidosis}. And because of my stomach bug, I hadn't cared for my sugars for 24 hours due to fear of low blood sugar. But what everyone didn't know was that I had only recently began caring for my sugars again after MONTHS of not giving myself insulin or even counting the carbs I was eating. Why? I'll get to that... it's crucial to my story, in fact. But I was also just ignorant. I was only diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in the spring of 2013. We don't know how I got it, and we don't know why. So I had no idea how serious T1 Diabetes was or was DKA was. Regardless, the two weeks leading up to my hospital stay {January 2015} were pretty normal. My husband and I had just decided we wanted to try for baby #2, while we were unknowingly already pregnant. We had to take medicine to get pregnant with our son, so we assumed it wasn't possible on our own. {LOL!} My sugars were a tight between 60 - 120 mg/dl in preparation for a 2nd healthy pregnancy. I was testing my sugars 7 times a day and giving myself insulin injections 15 minutes before meals. I had even gained a few pounds because I was actually taking care of myself. Everything was on target and I was becoming healthy again. But it was too late... my A1C hemoglobin was 14! {5.5 - 6 is normal, while 7 is considered bad}. Any virus or illness could have sent me over... and eventually, it did. 

     You're probably wondering.... why weren't you just doing your insulin & taking care of yourself those months prior??? Of course, I had a list of many excuses as to why. I was taking care of a toddler. I was running a business. I was trying to keep a social life. I have a husband. But the real reason was something you don't expect.... I had an eating disorder. How? I'll explain.

     High glucose levels {sugar levels for you non-diabetics} cannot be processed for long periods of time by your body. Once your body begins to expel the glucose through urine, you have something called hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is caused by high blood sugars. It is uncontrollable thirst/hunger, high blood glucose levels, frequent urination, etc. When this happens, your body essentially eats itself alive. It cannot create fat stores and eats into any fat you already have, causing you to lose weight at a rapid rate. Normal, non-diabetic people have bodies that turn sugar into fat. My body cannot do that unless I take insulin, so off the fat came. Too good to be true? YES! I was skinny, but I was dying... withering away at a 116 lbs. My heaviest {not pregnant} was 170 lbs. That's a lot of weight loss. And here are some images of what that looks like... notice the lack of muscle tone, and gaunt, skinny appearance. 

Showing off my "Weight loss", despite the fact I had an eating disorder. I was eating healthy at this point {June 2014}, but was not medicating with insulin. 164 lbs on the left, and 124 lbs on the right.

Showing off my "Weight loss", despite the fact I had an eating disorder. I was eating healthy at this point {June 2014}, but was not medicating with insulin. 164 lbs on the left, and 124 lbs on the right.

My best friend's wedding October 2014. 120 lbs. 

My best friend's wedding October 2014. 120 lbs. 

Sick & dying. Me at 116 lbs. Just two weeks prior to being admitted for DKA.

Sick & dying. Me at 116 lbs. Just two weeks prior to being admitted for DKA.

          Unfortunately, my doctors didn't see a problem. They would have me into their office, weigh me, and then congratulate me on my weight loss. I would never get a suspicious side eye or never an inquiry as to how the weight was really coming off. "Just salads and exercise!" I'd say. That was a lie. I would also never receive an A1C until I was pregnant, so I just lied and said things were great. More praises from my team for my new size 4 ass and out the door I'd go. . No one saw I was dying. No one saw I was peeing every 20 minutes and vomiting in restaurant bathrooms after a purposeful, sugary margarita. No one knew what was going on. No one saw I had an eating disorder. It still feels weird saying that, but it is what it is. I was manipulating my Disease to ensure weight loss. I was purposefully eating high carb, high sugar food to send my body into Hyperglycemia, which in turn made me skinny. This is a type of eating disorder is known as Diabulimia. And many doctors overlook this. Why? I actually have no idea. I was between three doctors, and no one noticed it. I didn't want them to, but I now wish they had. I'd leave my doctors office after a huge "Congrats on your weight loss!" from the staff, drive across the street to eat burger king to get the sugars way up and another pound would fall off the next 24 hours. That's how it works. You eat all of the sugar & carbs your body can stand and forgo your insulin. In return, your high glucose cannot be processed so your body expels the extra sugar and fat stores through urination. And boom. You lose weight. Sometimes I would take just enough insulin to pull me out of the daze I was falling into so I could function. I looked like I was on drugs and was always so tired. One evening I told my friend Kassandra "I feel like I'm dying". I think she's the only person I ever told any concerns to about my condition. She of course encouraged that I see a doctor, and I didn't listen.

     I lost the weight. Everyone was happy, so I was happy. And because in today's world, skinny = healthy, that was the end of that story. But knowing I couldn't do this during a pregnancy, I began taking care of myself when it was already too late. My eating disorder and hyperglycemia sent me into DKA, and the rest is history.

     Do I still have this eating disorder? Yes. I will always have it. Do I succeed in keeping it tamed every single day? Nope. But I do good 95% of the time and I'm alive. My body is still so wrecked from me not caring for myself that I can't go more than 4 hours without insulin or I get nauseous. More importantly, my hospital stay woke me up. I never want to see the looks on my Aunt's faces again as they visited me in the recovery unit. I woke up to an Aunt crying, while holding my hand. I had to tell my parents I was in there because of long term failure to take care of myself, in combination with a bug and pregnancy. Telling them about the pregnancy was actually super fun and I should have recorded it! I now have support groups online that helped me diagnose my disorder and gain confidence to live my life with Diabetes. It no longer rules my life, thanks to my pump... which gives me a continuous hourly rate of insulin, and making giving myself insulin for meals a breeze. I am very grateful for the 2nd chance I got and I hope this brings awareness to the complications Diabetes can have on someone's life... from obesity, to diabulimia, to depression, to anxiety, etc. 

     Do you have Type 1 Diabetes and feel alone? Call me. Text me. Email me. My number is 443-907-0683. My personal email is My kids are crazy and loud, but my couch is super comfy & I always have coffee and diet soda. You're not alone and you don't have to go through it alone, or even worse... die because you weren't truly being seen. If you made it here, THANK YOU so much for reading & learning more about my disease! 

Me & My Insulin Pump make the best of friends <3 I am a slightly chubby 156 lbs, but healthy thanks to this amazing invention! 

Me & My Insulin Pump make the best of friends <3 I am a slightly chubby 156 lbs, but healthy thanks to this amazing invention! 

Celebrating life with our first family portrait session with the talented Jessica Fenfert Photography!&nbsp;

Celebrating life with our first family portrait session with the talented Jessica Fenfert Photography! 

Oue babies checking out the chicken coop. Ellie was two months shy of two &amp; Mason was two months shy of four.

Oue babies checking out the chicken coop. Ellie was two months shy of two & Mason was two months shy of four.

Introducing Our Newest Adventure ... {maryland newborn, family & child portrait photographer} by Kylie Wingert

Big Things Ahead... 

     For the past 8 years, Photography By Kylie has done it all. Between capturing weddings, families, newborns, babies' first years, engagements and even boudoir... it has been quite the adventure. Although I've done a lot & a little of everything, when people contact me for images... it is almost always in regards to a family session or newborn portraits. This is what Photography By Kylie is known for, and will continue to do for many years! That, and continue to be the most awkward person ever trying to get your kids to smile :P 

     Capturing all of these special moments within the same business has been an honor. However, Photography By Kylie is known for children and the joy that they bring. Weddings, Engagements and Boudoir are all adult sessions that unfortunately conflict with our brand & how we want to portray Photography By Kylie. So my husband, Brian, and I went out on a fancy date a few months back and began brainstorming what was to become a wonderful new business venture. And we are so excited to share it with you! 

     Are you ready? I can see you're on the edge of your seat, biting your nails and crying with anxiety :P Obviously not, but still! If you're a PBKylie fan, this is huge! Ok here we go....

     Launching in the Spring of 2018, we will be launching a brand new sister-company to exclusively capture all weddings, engagements & boudoir sessions! We have lovingly named our newest business Mint & Mae Company & are so excited! I, Kylie Wingert, will still be the primary photographer, editor & operator of both businesses... because my life just wasn't crazy enough I guess. While Photography By Kylie features soft, neutral colors to reflect the sweetness of the children I capture... Mint & Mae will be slightly more edgy, with a more adult appeal. 


     My friend, who is also my amazing hair dresser, was able to come in this weekend to model for my first Mint & Mae Co. Boudoir session. Definitely check out some of her shots below! I am very excited to add these to the Mint & Mae portfolio and welcome everyone to join in the fun with a bang! Katie will see all of you who booked our Boudoir Marathon on the big day to glam you up with sexy hair & beautiful make-up. Feel free to Facebook creep on her work on Facebook at -

     We have yet to get the major stuff put together for Mint & Mae Company, but will announce our big reveal sometime in April to gear up for Summer & Fall Bookings. Thank you to all who have shared in their excitedness & enthusiasm on yet another crazy adventure! Cheers!


To Our Ellie Girl by Kylie Wingert

To Our Ellie Girl

"Rest your head next to my heart, never to part, baby of mine"      

     Oh, little girl. I can't begin. I don't know where to. The love I have for you breaks me down every time, and it's extra magnified on this big special day that is your first birthday. Your existence has changed my life, our whole world. You made me the mother of a daughter, you taught me more patience than I could ever learn and aside from your big brother have never felt a love so strong. My darling daughter, I hope you grow to be strong, wise, loving and kind to every person you meet. I hope you grow to know who you are and never lose sight of it. I hope you remember that no matter who you are, who you choose to love or what you look like we will always be your biggest fans. I hope you remember that no matter how much your big brother is annoyed by you, he begs me for another sister just because he adores you so much.  And above all, I hope you know how much Mommy and Daddy love you. We love your hair and the fact we've had to brush it every time you've taken a bath, since the time you were about 4 months old. We love your mischievous laugh. We love your beautiful tan skin that glows from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. We love that you will only dance to Beyonce. Your chunky little thighs are adorable and we've eaten your cheeks on a daily basis since the day you arrived. And your smile? It compels strangers to walk over to you to say hello wherever we are. You are our miracle. The daughter I never thought I'd have. The day I almost lost my life to my Diabetes was the day we found out we were expecting you, and because you existed you saved my life. I'll always take care of myself so I can be you and Mason's mom. My heart often aches for your snuggles when we're apart and the smell of your hair is like a drug... and to ever be apart from that is unimaginable. Everything that makes you Ellie, our chunky girl, is what we want to forever hold on to. We love you so very much, little girl. <3 Happy first birthday Elizabeth Mae! 

    To everyone who helped us get by and survive this first year, we hope you know who you are and how much you are loved by us! Ellie will always be surrounded by so much love thanks to every single person who made even 5 minutes of our day more manageable. A special thanks to Sugarloaf Photography & Silver Pixels Photography for capturing our little girl's first days and moments leading up to her birthday. And to a very special little boy, the son of a friend, who should be celebrating his own first birthday soon, but went to live with Jesus... I will never ever celebrate our children's close birthdays without you in our heart. Your life will always be celebrated in our home!

 Love you all <3  


An open letter to my friends with Moms in Heaven by Kylie Wingert

     To my friends and my family who have a Mommy in heaven... I think of you. Every mother's day I know the one thing you want more than anything. Your mom. And you are not forgotten. While all of us celebrate with our Moms who are here, I think of you. I don't celebrate a single outing or event with my own mother without the thought that it could be the last. I always hug her. I always tell her I love her. And then your face pops into my head. I hate living in a world where I have multiple friends without a parent, but a mother... that's a special place, a special light and a devastating loss. It forever hurts me and it hurts that I have something others wish they had. In a way, yes. I feel guilty.

     I learned to never take a mother for granted when I was a teenager. You see, there was this girl. She and I would fight over my boyfriend, who didn't quite frankly deserve either of us at the time. We stalked each other, fought, called each other, sent nasty messages. It was well over a year that this went on and it was so awful. And then one day in March, out of the blue, someone texted me to tell me this girl's mother had passed. It was a brain aneurism. Just like that. A mother, a wife, a friend... gone. And I thought, "Wow. All of this time I've been fighting with a girl I hardly even know and was wishing horrible things on her, and this happens." I instantly dropped every negative thought I had about this young girl and promptly texted her best friend to get information on the services. I showed up at her mom's funeral with a bouquet of orange roses (the girl's favorite color). I hugged her and apologized about everything, then looked at her beautiful mother lying there. My heart broke that day, and I feel like I'll always have a crack in it. I was causing grief in someone's life all this time, and probably took so much time away from this girl and her mother... I was so immature. But I promised I would never ever ever treat someone like that again and would NEVER take my mom for granted. But the fact I had to learn a lesson this way is sick and horrible.

     The girl and I got to know each other over the years, and we became friends. We have parents who work together and just hearing her name always makes me smile. Seeing her in person makes my heart explode... I love her so very much because I learned so many life lessons through our relationship. But every mother's day, I think of her Mom. Not just her, but many other friends, like the photo above. The photo above is my client and friend, Meghan, who's mom went to heaven long before she had her daughter Tenley. So we made her apart of this session and will for her son's upcoming session, as well.

     So for those with Earth-Mommies who are in your life, love her no matter what. You have no idea what's coming tomorrow and you won't get today back. And for those with Heaven-Mommies, you are not forgotten and your mom is not forgotten. I see you. And I love you. And I'm wishing your Mom a happy Mother's Day, wherever she is, surely looking down on you :)

Photography By Kylie - What sets me apart by Kylie Wingert

     So there you are. On your 5th Google, Facebook or IG search for that perfect photographer. I know because I've been there. You're looking at everything from the consistency of the work to the price. You have an idea in your head of what you'll want your session to represent and even look like, but you have to make the choice of deciding on WHAT photographer to use. Just as everyone has a preference of color, style and size when it comes to clothing... the same applies to finding an artist to properly preserve your memories. I don't check around comparing myself to what other photographers in our area offer. I only offer the things that I love and know you'll love, and let my work do the talking for me. Thinking about hiring me? Here are some things that might just send you over my way, just in case my work hasn't sealed the deal ;)

     #1. Professionalism with a Punch. This is me! I am professional, on time, respectful and appropriate at all times. However, I am a little crazy to get your kids to smile and might tell you some SUPER awkward stories to make you laugh for the perfect shot. My words are always kind, my heart is always open, I never judge, and I love everyone I meet. I have never had a complaint or an eye roll during any of my sessions (unless you are a teenager who simply didn't want to be there) ;) But I am super bubbly, huggy and bouncy. I believe it's what gives me some amazing smiles!

#2. Consistency. My work is beautiful, unique and edited in the same fashion throughout every shot of your gallery. Each image is individually edited to best bring out the final masterpiece, but overall everything flows quite nicely. Why is this important? Because having 4 rotten teeth and 1 perfect tooth doesn't make the best smile! Okay, that's a horrible example but you get the picture. In order for my galleries to be breathtaking, I ensure every image is carefully enhanced to it's fullest potential while flowing with each of the other images surrounding it. Not only are my images beautiful, they have each taken a great deal of time to plan, capture and process. See the image below? I saw the final product in my head before the light ever entered my lens. The shot took about 5 minutes of convincing (my kids weren't loving this) and the editing took roughly 40 minutes. Why? Because I used the environment the best I could, but it still wasn't what I had envisioned. So I ensured the final work was where I wanted it to be. Part of me wishes I left my mom in the shot... she's so cute!


#3. Artwork Guaranteed. While you think you are only wanting digitals, I know you are needing fine art too. No seriously... you NEED it! Don't believe me? When you see the high quality and stunning beauty of everything I offer, you'll wonder why you ever wasted time in any super-mart consumer lab. I offer a range of fine art products that you owe to yourself to invest in. Why? Because I am so serious when I say that I cringe at the thought of our grandkids thumbing through old hard drives and disks to look at old photos. It seriously gives me anxiety and it's not a very special way to preserve the time we will spend together capturing this special time in your life. From simple gift prints to canvas to albums... I really offer it all. All of my fine art is offered on the highest quality paper, wood or metal... guaranteed to last a lifetime so future generations will enjoy. My packages offer a fair mixture of digitals and print credits to apply to anything on my Menu you are interested in. I am also a proud distributer of The Original Photoblocks; a beautiful, custom piece of artwork painted perfectly onto an array of sized wooden blocks... ready to hang and enjoy straight out of the box. These are hand-made in the Netherlands by a very talented lady, her husband and a team of hard workers. My mind is blown by them! But yea, I'm serious people... Walmart, Walgreens, Shutterfly, Costco... I'm just gonna say it... they suck. Even when you receive digitals from me, I will have a higher-grade consumer lab I will suggest for your personal printing.


#4. Love. That's right... I love you! Ok, maybe not in a weird way that will leave you not wanting to come back a 2nd time; driving home with full peripheral vision on to ensure I don't follow you home for dinner. But in a "long time friend" kind of way. Ever since I began Photography By Kylie over 7 years ago I have really enjoyed writing something extra special to go along with my clients' sneak preview or even in a thank you note sent after their order had been delivered. I really get to know your family, ask lots of questions, learn what makes you tick and then putting your story alongside your beautiful artwork. It brings joy to my heart to feel like I've gotten to know who the souls are behind the beautiful images I create. And I want to the world to know it when I blog, post or send thank you notes about the world's best clients that arrive on my doorstep week after week.

#5. It's all about YOU. And how sweet it feels to say that! From the moment you book until the last piece of artwork has been picked up, this experience has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you. I want you to be fully satisfied, prepared and happy. This experience is about me hiding in the background while I capture some of the best memories you'll ever have.... both in your memory and on paper. All of my sessions are offered a complimentary pre consultation. This can be done over the phone, but I prefer in person. We plan, we discuss, we chat... I just want to get an idea of what you're looking for so I can use my vision to make yours a reality. We also use this opportunity to see and touch my fine art products so you can get an idea of how you want your final images displayed. There is no obligation to book, but if you decide I'm right for you... we go ahead, pay your creative fee and get you in the books! Of course soon after we have your session, which is always a good time. Once your final images are ready, we host a Gallery Reveal and Ordering Session. This is SO much fun. You get to see your images for the very first time, enjoy pizza or snacks depending on when you arrive, sip some cold soft beverages and of course place your order. When your order has been placed and arrives on my door step, it is all carefully inspected by me and then wrapped up and hand delivered to your home. Like I said, I want everything to feel special because this IS special. This is your life and since we only get one, I figured going all out is the way to go :)

If you're interested in any of my sessions, please send me a message at or fill out a contact form at the contact page above :) I look forward to giving you a special experience and capturing some amazing moments for you!

Amaya & Family by Kylie Wingert

     Behind this little smile is one big story. This is Amaya. She is a little petite and extra sweet! In May she will be turning two years old, and not long around then.... she will be having major brain surgery.

Amaya, 21 months old

Amaya, 21 months old

     When Amaya was about two months old, her parents would notice she would stop breathing and have strange movements when she would wake or fall asleep. After some time, they came to find out she was actually having seizures that would cause her to stop breathing.... every parent's worst nightmare. She was ultimately diagnosed with epilepsy. I can't imagine the fright dealing with one of my children not breathing, but for it to be a regular thing with seizures? Her parents are so strong. The only thing they can do while she isn't breathing is to rub her chest to help remind her body to breathe, and keep medicine close at hand that will also help if she continues not to breathe.

     As it turns out, there is a "cure" for these seizures, but it requires a surgery.... in my book or anyone else's, major surgery. Amaya will have to have the entire right side of her brain removed to prohibit these reoccuring seizures. Until talking with this family, I did not even know such a surgery existed and it's something I think about every day.

     Amaya has a big sister named Aubrey, her mommy Tia, and her daddy Matt. Tia and I have known each other since Kindergarten, and while we were never super close friends... she was always very kind in school and we would chat from time to time. About a week ago, Matt contacted me letting me know about the brain surgery and asked how to book a session with me before Amaya has to lose her beautiful head of hair. It was no big decision that we had to get them in as soon as possible before the big surgery, which should be happening within the next few months... right around the time Amaya turns two. Both of her parents are incredibly hard workers. Tia is actually a nurse at A.I. Dupont... a hospital that I absolutely adore that saved my own brother's life when he was a baby.

     I have so much respect for any parent going through the illness, disability or surgery of a child. As you can imagine their medical bills are already extremely major and this surgery is going to be scary enough with their child going through all of this on top of the cost. Amaya's surgery date has yet to be decided, but they should know soon and it will be in Ohio. I have put the link for the Go Fund Me account below, and truly hope you'll consider donating to help this family out. It really would be an incredible blessing to have even half of this surgery taken care of.

Donate and receive updates here:

     In addition, our friends over at My Baby's Heartbeat Bear have generously offered to donate a beautiful heartbeat animal to this precious family. A heartbeat animal will be chosen, and within it a small recorder that will hold the sound of Amaya's heartbeat. I have a few, and they are the most treasured items I own. Please learn more about them at and give them a like on Facebook at 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read, send healing thoughts and prayers their way, feel free to share, look on my website or fan page for an update (with her parents' permission) after Amaya's surgery and enjoy a few more sneak peeks from their session! Thank you!

Logan Turns Two! by Kylie Wingert

Oh, Logan! You doll! Logan's mommy was kind enough to allow me to give a photo session to little Logan for her 2nd birthday, and what fun we had! Logan's mommy hosts daycare for my two children, and my son Mason is absolutely in love with everyone there. He wakes up in the mornings, even on non-daycare days, and says "Logee's house? Daycare?" He can't wait to go, and it makes me feel so safe having a place that he just loves. Logan had a cupcake themed birthday party, so how perfect was this scene? LOVE!